Bikes, Scooters & Skateboards

Parents must accept overall responsibility for their child’s safety and cycling behavior. The school will ensure all measures are in place to uphold the protection of your child’s bike while on school property, however, the school holds no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged bicycles. If your child / ren is found to be using his / her bike/scooter or skateboard in an appropriate way, the school reserves the right to confiscate this property.

Leaving School Grounds

Under no circumstances is a student permitted to leave school grounds without consent from the parent or caregiver listed in our system. Parents/Caregivers must provide written consent if they are unable to come to the school and sign them out at the school office.

If students are in breach of school rules while off school site, this could result in privileges being removed. A phone call home from the teacher should be expected if this occurs.


It is important that any medication needed by your child (e.g. allergy pills, inhaler) is readily available at school. These can be stored in the school’s first aid cabinet which is kept locked at all times. It is important that your child’s teacher and (where possible) your child is aware of what medication is required, how often and how this is to be administered – particularly in the case of severe allergies. Please ensure that the school knows who your family doctor is, in case of an emergency when parents cannot be immediately contacted.

The medical room is located next to the office and houses the schools basic medical supplies and first aid kits. The Majority of staff hold current First Aid certificates. Parents are contacted if the staff are concerned about the seriousness of an injury or incident.

School Rules

The rules of Murupara Area School are based on individual and collective rights and responsibilities. Parents are asked to support these rules and to uphold standards of dress and behavior.

  • Students will show consideration and respect for others at all times.
  • Students will wear correct dress code items when attending, representing or on the way to and from the school.
  • Students will be at school by 8.35am each day, and not leave before 3.00pm unless they have an authorized pass.
  • Students will care for all school property and maintain a clean and tidy environment.
  • Students will not have alcohol, tobacco, vape or drug involvement, nor be involved in physical or verbal abuse, or bullying of others.
  • Students will not bring unnecessary electronic equipment to school eg: IPODS, MP3/4 players, PSP’s
  • Mobile phones are not permitted
  • Students bringing valuables or money to school may leave them at the school office.
  • Students bringing bikes or cars to school will follow school guidelines.
  • Students will take care of school resources, including computers and furniture.

Failure to follow these rules will result in follow up by the Deans and Senior Staff, and may involve contracts, stand down or suspension meetings with parents.


Where deliberate damage is made to school property an investigation will be conducted by the school. If your child/ren are found to be involved, parents/caregivers could be faced with a bill for repairs.