Murupara Area School – Meeting Our Expectations
Kia ū te manawanui ō ngā ākonga ki ngā taumata tiketike ō ngā whetu
With perseverance our children will reach to the stars
When I’m doing things right I can expect: |
When I get things wrong I can expect: |
- Personal Feeling of Pride and satisfaction.
- Other people respecting me and recognising my maturity.
- Greater chance to receive Murupara rewards.
- Help from teachers and staff to support my learning.
- Positive comments made directly to me.
- My parents to be contacted to offer praise.
- Excellent School reports that show that I meet expectations.
- To be getting the most out of school.
- The opportunity to reflect on my behaviour and put right the wrong.
- A restorative chat to understand where mistakes have been made and how to put it right.
- Possible removal from class to the Hub withdrawal Area.
- Being sent to another teacher, Dean, Senior Management Staff, Guidance Staff.
- Parents to be contacted.
- Personal time removed at lunchtime, after school, Saturday.
- Community Service.
- Help from outside College support agencies.
- Stand down, Suspension, Exclusion.